These are questions that lie outside/ that do not come within the purview of our inquiry. 这些问题不在我们的调查范围之内。
Likewise, preventive measures fall outside the purview of the health sector. 预防措施同样也超出卫生部门的职权范围。
Questions will be asked about how complex financial activities ended up migrating to institutions outside the purview of sophisticated scrutiny and regulatory bodies. 政界人士将提出问题:复杂的金融活动最终是如何转移到先进的审查措施和监管机构职权范围之外的机构?
In this context, organizations, managers asked employees to complete tasks within the terms of reference, they also hope that the employeers 'can do something beneficial to organizations outside the purview of the development work, namely, organizational citizenship behavior. 在这一背景下,组织管理者要求员工在完成职责范围以内任务的同时,更希望他们能够做一些有利于组织发展的职责范围以外的工作,即组织公民行为。